Birth Agni

#109 - Zahra's Free Birth Story | Healing a Deep Tear at home | Quick Labor | Cord around the neck

Divya Kapoor/Zahra Siddiqui Episode 109

Zahra had supported a friend's home birth before she decided it for herself. She was not even married then and was pulled into this birth by the mother who trusted her and her decision completely. 

Her family was supportive throughout. She had no ultrasounds or checkups except once. She was waiting for labor to begin so excitedly that once a false alarm got the entire house ready and prepared. She laughs as she tells her story of precipitous labor, facing her fears when the tear took months to heal and hardworking through Breastfeeding.

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As a young Childbirth Educator and Doula, Zahra felt incomplete helping women in hospitals and watching their rights in power being taken away. So when her own time arrived, along with an wavering support from his family and her words keep it up a self she found peace in her unassisted pregnancy and birth something she had been dreaming about for a long time.

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