Birth Agni
This Podcast explores how indigenously Birth has always unfolded, among women - our tribe, where children could see how breastfeeding was done and how birth happened. This an attempt to fetch the stories of the past as well as bring out the new India’s Birth culture to expose the defining features in both. This shall join the dots to where the increasing problems of postpartum anxiety, rising rate of surgical births and poor breastfeeding outcomes are coming from.
Birth Agni - Agni meaning Fire, the Fire that brings us alive, transforms us and has the ability to burn. Birth is designed to affect a woman’s integrity. It is the fire of awakening that makes her life experience wholesome. Deep down her body knows what Birth is supposed to feel - a euphoria of bringing a new life on Earth. The cocktail of hormones are designed to give her a high.
However, birth today has quickly swayed away from a phase of joy to the one marked by Fear, the constant questioning of a woman’s capacity to Birth naturally and the ugly calculation of the odds of a healthy baby at the expense of the mother’s health. We forget that their health is interlinked and flourish as a dyad. In India, the urban rate of Cesarean Sections on an average until 2020 is a whopping 40% which is concerning.
Birth is linked to Patriarchy, Healthcare Politics and Women’s Rights. Respect in Birth is long due to women and it affects the core of who they are.
Join me Divya Kapoor, a Certified Birth and Lactation Counselor and aspiring Traditional Birth Attendant in the quest to shine light on what we can do as parents and a community to change the narrative.
#118 - Stem Cell Banking - What you must know!

#117 - Yashoda's Birth story - Hospital vs Water Birth experience at a Birth center

#116 - Language around Birth and Breastfeeding with Effath Yasmin

2024 Wrap up - Winter Break

#114 - Part III - Ariel and Nitin's postpartum experience: Ayurvedic Postpartum

#113 - Part II - Ariel's Experience of Labor and Birth

#112 - Part I - Ariel and Nitin's preparation for a Home Birth

#111 Part II - Meenakshi's Home Birth story

#110 - Part I - Meenkashi's twin normal / vaginal birth in a hospital

#109 - Zahra's Free Birth Story | Healing a Deep Tear at home | Quick Labor | Cord around the neck

#108 - Komal's orgasmic birth and the journey of arriving at the decision of a home birth

#107 - Birth then and now - 40 years of difference in Maternity Care -Information Overload and Changing Cultural behaviors towards Birth with seasoned Birth Educator Nutan Lakhanpal Pandit

#106 - Nikita's experience of Labor Pain with and without Induction (Spontaneous Labor)

#105 - Rashmi's Natural Birth Story at home with a doctor in Mumbai | No pelvic Exams before birth!

Back from a Break! New Season - Fresh New Stories from August 7

#104- Part III - Birthing Realities: Social, Cultural, and Political Landscapes with Sanjana Krishnan

#103 - Part II - Sanjana's Ecstatic Home Birth Story | Pregnancy, Moon and Womanhood

#102 - Part I Sanjana's Natural Birth at a Birth Center | Travelling for Birth- Mumbai to Kerala | Meeting the Divine

#101- Lavanya's Unnecessary Csection | Induction | Undiagnosed Gestational Diabetis

#100 - Why Gentle Parenting is for Indian Kids with Shailaja Paramathma- Ft Times of India - Photo Story

#99 - Understanding Pre-eclampsia | Changes in a Pregnant Body | High BP

#98 - Dr Brewer's Pregnancy Diet | Edema | Diuretics

#97 - Anjali's home birth story

Announcement - Wednesdays sweet Wednesdays - Anjali's story out next week!

96- Part II - Mubina's Story of Labor and Birth at Home and the following Loss