Birth Agni

#110 - Part I - Meenkashi's twin normal / vaginal birth in a hospital

Divya Kapoor/Meenakshi Episode 110

Meenakshi birthed her twins vaginally in the only normal birth supportive hospital in Delhi, Sitaram bhartiya.

After she was denied normal birth by her already consulting doctor, she switched her OBGYN and had a generally good experience.
It was the second time around that she was inclined at having a Home Birth, the preparation of which along the way helped her realize what she dreamt of as a normal birth was this all along deep within her heart. Her changing views about Birth are reflected in this episode.

Listen to this story to hear her experience of Labor with twin babies.

1. Views about Birth
2. Pushed for a surgery
3. Being sold packages on the second baby
4. Stem cell banking - the real side
5. Experience of Labor
6. Experience of Birth with twins
7. Experience of Breastfeeding and Postpartum

About the guest:
Meenakshi is a homeschooling mother to three kids, believer in womens ability to birth naturally on their own and the healing power of the womb. She is a active advocate of reconnecting woman to their wombs.

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