Birth Agni

#117 - Yashoda's Birth story - Hospital vs Water Birth experience at a Birth center

Divya Kapoor/Yashoda Episode 117

Yashoda is a Sports Physiotherapist and an Aquatic therapist and a mom of 2 precious ones- is currently working at Aastrika midwifery centre. 

She had her first one born in a hospital after induction and her baby was separated from her after birth. The second time around she decided to take childbirth classes, prepare well and chose a midwifery center called Aastrika in Bangalore where she was not induced, she birthed her baby in the water and had a beautiful experience. Her breastfeeding journey was also way more respectful and supported a gentle welcome of the baby where skin to skin contact between the mother or father and the baby were prioritised. 

In this episode we explore

1. Contractions after induction vs Natural spontaneous contractions
2. A hospital birth experience vs a Birth center experience
3. Role of Childbirth classes in the Birth experience
4. Water birth experience

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